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Million Dollar Marriage Mindset: 8 Habits for Success

by | Sep 26, 2024 | Relationships

Million Dollar Marriage Mindset: 8 Habits for Success

    You know, Chris and I have been in this game for a while now – both in business and in marriage. And let me tell you, the habits that make a marriage thrive aren’t all that different from what makes a business successful.

    Here’s what we’ve learned along the way:

    1. Communicate Like Your Partnership Depends On It (Because It Does) In business, we’re always harping on about clear communication. Why should it be any different at home? Take time each day to really talk – and I mean really talk, not just “How was your day?” small talk.
    2. Invest in Your Relationship ROI You wouldn’t expect your business to grow without investment, right? Same goes for your marriage. Date nights, weekend getaways, or even just uninterrupted time together – these aren’t luxuries, they’re necessities.
    3. Embrace Conflict as a Growth Opportunity In business, we often see challenges as chances to innovate. Try applying that same mindset to disagreements with your partner. It’s not about winning; it’s about growing together.
    4. Set Shared Goals Just like in business, having a shared vision keeps you aligned and moving forward. Sit down with your partner and dream big – about your relationship, your family, your future.
    5. Celebrate the Wins – Big and Small We’re quick to celebrate landing a big client or hitting a sales target. Why not bring that same energy to your relationship? Acknowledge the everyday victories – it could be as simple as appreciating your partner for making your coffee just the way you like it.
    6. Practice Financial Transparency In business, we know the importance of clear financial records. Bring that same openness to your personal finances. Regular money talks can prevent a lot of stress down the line.
    7. Prioritize Self-Care and Partner-Care Burnout is real, both in business and in relationships. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself and encouraging your partner to do the same. You can’t pour from an empty cup, after all.
    8. Keep Learning and Growing Together The most successful businesses are always evolving. Why should your marriage be any different? Read books together, attend workshops, or hey – maybe join one of our masterclasses!

    Here’s the thing – these habits aren’t rocket science. But they do require intention and consistent effort. It’s about showing up every day and choosing your partner, just like you choose to show up for your business.

    Remember that moment I mentioned with my granddaughter? That joy, that connection – that’s what we’re really after. And when your marriage is strong, those moments become more frequent, more vibrant.

    If you’re nodding along thinking, “Yeah, I want more of that,” then you might be interested in our upcoming Couples Masterclass. It’s based on our book “Love Without Limits,” and we dive deeper into these habits and how to cultivate them.

    Whether you join us or not, here’s to building a business and a marriage that don’t just survive, but truly thrive. Because at the end of the day, that’s what the Million Dollar Marriage mindset is all about.

    Cheers, Grant

    About the Authors: Grant and Christine Wattie have been in the trenches of both business and marriage for over four decades. They’ve weathered the storms, celebrated the victories, and learned a thing or two along the way. Now, they’re on a mission to help other entrepreneurial couples create marriages that are as successful as their businesses. Through their programs and writing, they offer a blend of hard-earned wisdom, practical strategies, and a good dose of humor to help couples thrive in love and in business.

    Written By Grant Wattie

    Grant Wattie is a renowned couples and relationship expert dedicated to helping business owners save their marriages. With a unique approach that combines traditional therapy with cutting-edge techniques, Grant has transformed countless relationships worldwide.

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