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From Boardroom to Living Room: Building a Business Without Wrecking Your Marriage

by | Sep 26, 2024 | Relationships

From Boardroom to Living Room: Building a Business Without Wrecking Your Marriage

The other day, I was playing with my granddaughter when it hit me – this is what it’s all about. Not the next big deal or the fancy car, but these moments of pure joy.

It got me thinking about how easy it is to get caught up in the chase. We’re always after the next milestone in our business, often at the cost of our relationships. But here’s the kicker – it doesn’t have to be that way.

Look, I’ve been there. Running a business while trying to keep a marriage alive isn’t easy. There were times when Chris and I felt more like business partners than lovers. But we figured some stuff out along the way, and I want to share it with you.

First off, forget about work-life balance. It’s a myth. Instead, think integration. Your business and your marriage aren’t separate entities – they’re both part of your life. The skills that make you successful in one can actually help in the other.

For instance, that active listening you use with clients? Try it with your partner. You’d be amazed at how much it can improve your connection.

And remember, your partner isn’t your employee. They’re your co-CEO in life. Treat them with the same respect you’d give to your most valuable business ally.

One thing that really helped us was setting aside time for a weekly ‘board meeting’ for our marriage. Sounds corporate, I know, but hear me out. It’s a chance to check in, set goals, and tackle issues before they blow up.

Now, I’m not saying it’s always smooth sailing. There will be rough patches. But here’s the thing – a strong marriage can actually be your secret weapon in business. It provides stability, support, and a sounding board for your ideas.

So, how about you? Are you ready to build a business and a marriage that thrive together? If this resonates with you, let’s chat. We’re running a free Couples Masterclass based on our book “Love Without Limits”. It’s all about aligning your relationship with your business goals.

Check it out here

Arohanui, Grant

Written By Grant Wattie

Grant Wattie is a renowned couples and relationship expert dedicated to helping business owners save their marriages. With a unique approach that combines traditional therapy with cutting-edge techniques, Grant has transformed countless relationships worldwide.

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