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Rekindle Your Love: Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs

by | Sep 26, 2024 | Relationships

Rekindle Your Love: Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs

Let’s be real for a moment. When you’re knee-deep in spreadsheets and client meetings, rekindling the romance in your marriage might be the last thing on your mind. But here’s a truth bomb for you: neglecting your relationship can be just as detrimental to your success as neglecting your business.

Chris and I learned this the hard way. There was a time when we were so focused on building our business that we forgot to nurture our relationship. We became more like roommates than lovers. Sound familiar?

But here’s the good news: it’s never too late to turn things around. Here are some strategies that worked for us, and have worked for countless couples we’ve coached:

  1. Rediscover Your Partner Remember when you first met, and you couldn’t get enough of learning about each other? Bring that curiosity back. People change. Your partner isn’t the same person they were when you first fell in love – and that’s a good thing! Take time to rediscover who they are now.
  2. Prioritise Quality Time I know, I know. You’re busy. But here’s the thing: you make time for what’s important. Start small. Even 15 minutes of undivided attention each day can work wonders.
  3. Bring Back the Fun When was the last time you and your partner really laughed together? Bring some playfulness back into your relationship. It could be as simple as a board game night or as adventurous as trying a new hobby together.
  4. Show Appreciation In business, we’re quick to acknowledge a job well done. Why not bring that same attitude home? Make it a habit to express gratitude to your partner daily.
  5. Physical Touch Matters And I’m not just talking about sex (though that’s important too!). Simple gestures like holding hands, hugging, or a kiss goodbye can help maintain your physical connection.
  6. Create New Shared Experiences Novel experiences trigger the release of dopamine – the same chemical that flooded your brain when you first fell in love. Plan new adventures together, big or small.
  7. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate Open, honest communication is the lifeblood of any healthy relationship. Make time for real conversations beyond just logistics and kids.

Here’s a personal story: A few years back, Chris and I were in a rut. We were successful in business, but our marriage was on autopilot. One day, we decided to shake things up. We booked a weekend away, left our phones at home, and spent time really talking and reconnecting. It wasn’t always comfortable – we had some tough conversations – but it was a turning point for us.

That weekend reminded us why we fell in love in the first place. It helped us realign our priorities and remember that our relationship is the foundation everything else is built on.

Now, I’m not saying you need to book a getaway right this second (though it wouldn’t hurt!). But I am encouraging you to take that first step. Choose one of these strategies and commit to it this week.

Remember, a thriving marriage and a successful business aren’t mutually exclusive. In fact, they can fuel each other. When you’re fulfilled in your relationship, you bring that positive energy to your work.

If you’re ready to dive deeper into rekindling your relationship while maintaining your entrepreneurial spirit, check out our “Love Without Limits” program. We’ve designed it specifically for busy couples like you who want to have it all – a passionate marriage and a thriving business.

Here’s to falling in love all over again, every single day.

Arohanui, Grant

About the Authors: Grant and Christine Wattie are more than just relationship experts – they’re partners in business and in life who’ve walked the talk for over 40 years. They’ve navigated the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and marriage, emerging stronger and more in love than ever. Now, they’re passionate about helping other couples do the same. Through their programs, writing, and coaching, they offer a unique blend of business acumen and relationship wisdom, helping couples create truly extraordinary lives together.

Written By Grant Wattie

Grant Wattie is a renowned couples and relationship expert dedicated to helping business owners save their marriages. With a unique approach that combines traditional therapy with cutting-edge techniques, Grant has transformed countless relationships worldwide.

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