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Busting the Big Marriage Myths: What We’ve Learned After 40 Years Together

by | Sep 26, 2024 | Relationships

Busting the Big Marriage Myths: What We’ve Learned After 40 Years Together

You know, after four decades of marriage and helping countless couples, Chris and I have heard it all. There are so many myths out there about what makes a marriage work, especially for us entrepreneurial types. Let’s bust a few of these wide open, shall we?

Myth #1: “It takes two to save a marriage.” Here’s the truth: it only takes one person to start the ball rolling. I remember a time when Chris and I were really struggling. I was waiting for her to make the first move, to show she cared. Then I realized – why am I waiting? I could be that person. And you know what? Once I started making an effort, things began to shift.

Myth #2: “A good marriage shouldn’t need work.” Ha! If only. Our best business ventures need constant attention, right? Marriage is no different. It’s not about it being hard work, but rather consistent effort. Like watering a plant. You don’t drown it once a month; you give it a little each day.

Myth #3: “If you’re arguing, your marriage is in trouble.” Nope. Arguing isn’t the problem; it’s how you argue that matters. Chris and I have had some doozies over the years, but we learned to fight fair. No name-calling, no bringing up past mistakes. Stick to the issue at hand and remember you’re on the same team.

Myth #4: “You need to have everything in common.” Honestly, how boring would that be? Chris and I are different in so many ways, and that’s what keeps things interesting. It’s about respecting and valuing those differences, not trying to change each other.

Myth #5: “Romance dies after the honeymoon phase.” Only if you let it. Sure, the butterflies might calm down, but they can be replaced by a deeper, richer kind of love. But you’ve got to nurture it. Date nights, surprise gestures, little notes – these things matter.

Myth #6: “A successful business means a struggling marriage.” This is the big one I hear from fellow entrepreneurs. But it doesn’t have to be true. Your business and your marriage can actually support each other. When things are good at home, you’ve got a solid foundation to take risks in business. And when your business is thriving, you can bring that positive energy back to your relationship.

Here’s the bottom line: a great marriage, like a great business, doesn’t just happen. It’s built, day by day, choice by choice. It’s about showing up, even when you don’t feel like it. It’s about being willing to learn and grow.

I’ll let you in on a secret. There was a point when Chris and I almost threw in the towel. We were successful on paper – thriving business, nice house, great kids. But we’d lost that connection. We were like ships passing in the night.

That’s when we decided to apply our business skills to our marriage. We set goals, had regular check-ins, invested time and resources in our relationship. And you know what? It worked. We fell in love all over again, deeper than before.

That’s why we created our “Love Without Limits” program. We want to share what we’ve learned, to help other couples bust these myths and create their own Million Dollar Marriage.

Remember, it’s never too late to start. Whether you’ve been married for 4 months or 40 years, you can always choose to turn things around.

So, which of these myths have you been believing? And more importantly, what are you going to do about it?

Here’s to busting myths and building great marriages, Grant

Written By Grant Wattie

Grant Wattie is a renowned couples and relationship expert dedicated to helping business owners save their marriages. With a unique approach that combines traditional therapy with cutting-edge techniques, Grant has transformed countless relationships worldwide.

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