Grant Wattie


Post By Grant

We Were Born To Fly Not File Reports

Discovering True Freedom: Grant Wattie on Relationships Have you ever wondered what our world would be like if it was designed differently? We all know the creation story from Genesis, a majestic account of light, land, and life. Now imagine if the universe wasn't a...

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Feeling Like You Belong: It’s Important

The Importance of Belonging: Insights from Grant Wattie Have you ever felt lonely, like you just didn't fit in anywhere? Well, being lonely can be really bad for your health, almost like smoking a lot of cigarettes every day. It's weird, right? We all know smoking is...

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My Story

Finding Freedom: My Story A friend visiting my father and mother on their small farm picked up a .22 rifle, pointed, and fired. The bullet narrowly missed my head by inches. You could say I am lucky to be alive. I was 6 months old, asleep in my cot. Years later, we...

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