Discover Your Authentic Calling with Grant Wattie's Insights In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to drown out the small, quiet voice of our authentic calling. We get caught up in the noise of the world, the demands of our ego, and the critical...

Navigating Life’s Curveballs with Expert Grant Wattie
Turning Lemons into Lemonade Discover resilience strategies from expert Grant Wattie to thrive through life's challenges and enhance personal growth. Do you crumble under the weight of the challenge, or do you smash it out of the park? Today, I want to share with you...

The #1 Problem Facing All Leaders – Especially CEO’s
The #1 Problem CEOs Face: Recognising Blind Spots The no.1 problem facing most CEOs is the inability to spot their own behavioural blind-spots. By definition a blind-spot cannot be seen by yourself yet they are glaring obvious to everyone else. How often have you...

How To Overcome Your Biggest Fear
Overcoming Fear: Insights from Grant Wattie on Couples Therapy During my childhood I lived on a small farm on the outskirts of Havelock North, New Zealand, where we spent a great deal of time outdoors. I would often have my trusty black Labrador, Judy, sitting next to...

Write your life story in 6 words
Write Your Life Story in Just Six Words While having lunch with a number of writers, Ernest Hemingway claimed he could write a short story that was only six words long. When the lofty group of writers scoffed at the notion, he invited each of them to put ten dollars...

How To Upgrade Your Thinking To Become A Better Leader
Upgrade Your Thinking for Effective Leadership As a teenager, 14, I remember firing a paper dart across my Geology classroom. Father Minto, an aging Priest said in a terrifying voice "Wattie! Will you ever grow up?" I was promptly sent out of the classroom to be...
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