Grant Wattie: #1 Relationship Expert, Couples Therapist, and Mentor

a man smiling at the camera

Grant Wattie transforms struggling relationships into extraordinary partnerships. With over 20 years of experience and training from world-renowned institutes like Gottman and Imago, he co-developed the revolutionary Aroha Rapid Transformation Method with his wife Christine. Together they authored “Love Without Limits” and through their Million Dollar Marriage programme, help couples worldwide create the relationship and life of their dreams.


On this call, we will look at where you are now in your relationship and where you want to be and work out the next steps to move forward. 

a man in a red shirt and black hat sitting on a cliff overlooking a body of water

New Book: Love Without Limits™ - Transform Your Marriage in 90 Days

9 Proven Shifts to Stop Your Divorce, Rebuild Trust, Create Deep Connection and Fall in Love Again – Even if You Feel Like You’ve Tried Everything For High Achievers Who Refuse to Let Their Marriage Fail
a man in a red shirt and black hat sitting on a cliff overlooking a body of water


by Grant Wattie

Our Mission

Transforming Relationships, One Couple at a Time

At Grant Wattie: Couples and Relationship Expert, our mission is to help couples save and strengthen their marriages through innovative techniques and programs. We believe in challenging the norms of traditional couples therapy to provide rapid and effective solutions. Our Million Dollar Marriage programme and 3-Day Accelerator are designed to offer intensive, results-driven support that empowers couples to reconnect and thrive. Join us in transforming your relationship and building a stronger, more fulfilling partnership.

What Our Clients Say

grant wattie couples therapy

“Grant’s Million Dollar Marriage Program saved our relationship. We are now stronger and happier than ever.”

– Greg and Gaynor

grant wattie couples therapy

“The Million Dollar Marriage Programme was a game-changer for us. We saw immediate improvements in our communication and connection.”

– Nina and Jamie

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Transform Your Relationship Today

Take the first step towards a stronger, more fulfilling marriage. Schedule a consultation with Grant Wattie and discover how our innovative programs can help you and your partner reconnect and thrive. Don’t wait—start your journey to a happier relationship now!